INAF CTA and ASTRI Mini-Array

Science Fellowships

The INAF CTA and ASTRI Mini-Array Science Fellowship program offers postdoctoral positions supporting cutting-edge astrophysical research in the context of Italian CTA and ASTRI Mini-Array activities. The positions can be held at any of the INAF's 17 nodes distributed across the country.


ASTRI Mini-Array

The Cherenkov Telescope Array Observatory is the future of the gamma-ray astrophysics at very high-energy.

INAF has the lead of the CTA small-sized telescopes (SSTs) and plans to build >37 of them in the Southern site. Moreover, INAF has leading roles in the CTA Science Working Groups and their scientific activities, as demonstrated by the recent White Papers issued as input for the ASTRONET Science Vision.

The ASTRI Mini-Array is an international project led by INAF with the aim of deploying 9 ASTRI-SSTs at the Observatorio del Teide (Canary Islands, Spain). INAF leads the technological, scientific, and outreach programs. The ASTRI Mini-Array aims at providing robust answers to a few selected open questions in the very high-energy domain. The scientific program during the first four observing years will be devoted to Core Science topics, such as the origin of cosmic rays, the extra-galactic background light and the study of fundamental physics, and the gamma-ray bursts and multi-messenger transients .

What we offer

The INAF CTA and ASTRI-MA Science Fellowships offer:

  • Six 2-year postdoctoral positions based at any of INAF's 17 nodes

  • a gross salary of €40k/yr

  • access to top level computing resources available from most INAF structures

  • access to the INAF-CTA ASTRI Mini-Array Collaborations

  • access to international observing facilities such as ESO, LBT, EVN among others, as well as to national facilities like TNG, SRT, Medicina and Noto antennas.

  • a strong Gamma-ray community involved in all aspects of the ASTRI-MA and CTA future Observatories, from science to technology and computing

2022 call

The 2022 call includes funding for six 2-year postdoctoral position. The full call is available here [link to EN call].